Mon 27 Jan
$ $ Desire Love & Miss diamond still up, & ready 901 409 4228 - 21
(Little Rock, West/630 incall/outcall)
(•.¸★¸.•) NO 1 -:¦:-DOES IT -:¦:- LIKE ME (•.¸★¸.•) *AVAILABLE NOW ★1OO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD !!!!!! - 22
(, Pawtucket/Providence/Incalls)
New Pics!!! Why bother with a Knock Off, When you can have the Original!! Discreet Incalls!! - 34
(, n.providence Incalls/ providing outcalls)
•°o♥o°• TRY •°o♥o°• SOMEONE •°o♥o°• REAL •°o♥o°• 100% REAL ••°o♥o ★★ ((508-663-9072)) - 23
(, Providence RI OUTCALLS ((508-663-9072)))
NeW PIC$ *¨¨**¨¨* ÂmÂzInG *¨¨* *¨¨* D_R_E_A_M__ *ღ* __G_I_R_L *¨¨* *¨¨* - 19
(, Outcalls Only!!)
NEW LOCATION! One Of A Kind Beautiful Brunette- Well Reviewed * - 23
(Incalls only 401*585*3790 Warwick, Providence)
Need to relax? Great late nite specials tonight. Also offering full body massage & much more - 32
(, seekonk, incall only)
☆NeW In ToWn☆ █◆◆ItAliAn BeAuTy◆◆ █ ◤LimItEd TiMe ONLY◢ - 23
(, Ins &Outs; [Incall in Attleboro Off RT.1])
💋 Hot Latina ready to pleasure out calls only 💋 13473296036 - 23
(Bronx, Manhattan, bronx, manhattan , bronx)
*NEW PICS* Sexy erotic Italian.*READY TO SATISFY YOUR EVERY NEED! *specials!!** - 23
(, Warwick INCALL only 508*663*9068)
latinas complacientes dominicana colombiao utt call papi llamame out call only 17184196410 - 21
(Bronx, bronx/////// quenns ///////)
★. • My Part-Time ★ Pleasure ★. • Take a • L ✪ ✪ K • at this Real Stunning, Mature, BRUNETTE •★ - 35
(Providence, RI NO TEXTING)
Let me come show u a good good time ❤️️😌I'm the best out here 😈😈 - 21
(Bronx, My.vernon newrochelle Yonkers outcalls)
review ReVieW on TS Nioka 5136878206 Read READ REaD !!!!! Review on 513687 8206 - 47
(Little Rock, at her hotel incall)
LAST MORNING/Dont Miss 👉 sweet playful southern blonde🍭🍧 AmAziNg SkiLLs & 😊GrEaT PeRsonAlitY!! - 24
(Long Island, rockvillecentre sunrise hwy/NO BLACK MEN)
Kiss Me Blarney.....I'm Hot N H@rny !! READY 2 P( . )rty!! 36DDD Exotic Ebony 420 $pectacular... - 23
(, Wrwk 95 incall/out call)
🌷🌺🌼Jump into 🌈SPRING☀️ ; and Let's Have a 💘 FLING💋 __ BLUE-Eyed 💙Babe for *Y*o*U*💙 - 28
Y∅xU'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t~BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩..100hhr In call special - 28
(Jacksonville, Little Rock)
INDULGE in MY **sweet CARAMEL!.100% REAL and AvAIL.!NOW**100 incall $$Specials*all day!** - 25
(, Pawtucket ri **4015859431**)
LOOK ••••••••► •*¨¨*•-:¦:* ELITE •-:¦:-•* InToXiCaTiNg *•-:¦:-•* UPSCALE BoDy of GoDDeSS •*¨¨*• - 21
(, outcall ONLY)
LAst DAY HERE!! 80 Shaved80 AND SQUeeZabLE!! 80 CURVY brunette hotbbw - 22
LET ME TOUCH you PLEASE you TEASE you & F*R*E*A*K* you I'M up all nite WITH no Panties on....... - 29
Let The Fantasy Begin!!! Sexy n Sweet!!! Tori***!!! $EXY Specials!!! - 23
(Upscale location 5 min from prov)
LaLa & Hunny ! Up for some fun ? Two beauty's who aim to please 😘😘 (choose one or pick two) ♥ - 21
(Bronx, Your Place! * 9172598096)
hello917 201 1940yenni out call,delivery, call me cute service,call me out callr - 25
(Bronx, bronx,manhattan)
I'm back have you missed me? Tall sexy sensual busty brunette looking for fun - 30
(, woonsocket incall only)
The Baby Dallass~Sexy Real Natural blond with 38Ds! E.C & P.4.1.1 verified. Safe, Clean & FUN! - 25
(Hot Springs, Hot Springs Village, LR, Little Rock)
IN Call Available NOW!! 💄Sexy Little Naughty💋 College Student💋 - 22
(Downtown providence, Providence)
Fire! Latina New In Town in & out calls all night !!DON'T MiSS OUT! Limited Time - 21
(Bronx, The Bronx ; your Place ;))
Hi, I'm Renee - Have an Unrushed Sexy Time with a Curvy Cougar - I like pleasing & making men happy! - 35
(, Incall Only at my Private Apt on I-95)
fun FLIRTY, AND FOXY NEW IN TOWN Dont miss out! Specials!!!! - 24
(, Cranston *Newport RI* CT in/outcalls)
Sexy Sophia°•T H E⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐G I R L⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐O F⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐Y O U R⭐ _✨🌙_ ⭐D R E A M S⭐ - 26
(Little Rock, Little Rock InCaLL(FairPark) & OutCalls)
Abby & Bella two sexy latino burnett's ready to spice ur night up.... Everything or Nice!¡! - 23
(Columbus, Hillard/ West)
:¦:-★• ★ *¨¨*💜💕💜ATTENTION 💜PERUVIAN!NeW girl alert deliciously ADDICTING 🎀N@ughty plaything 💜 - 21
(, warwick in MyRooM PuttiNg On a Corset)