Fri 03 Jan
* HIGHLY REVIEWED * - - - 100% REAL!!! Pretty #ASIAN Princess!! - - - OUTCALL!!!! (160) - 23
(INCALL millerpark area & OUT, Milwaukee)
newNEWnew PICS!!! ♡ ♥ ◆ ◇ ¤ TaKe a Trip to an ExX.xOtiC Land of PURE ExX.xTaCy ¤ ◆ ◇ ♡ ♥ . - 25
(INCALL Miller park AREA, Milwaukee)
'Slippery When Wet //////Available Now Simply Girls Just Want To Have Fun!!!!! - 21
(westside surburbs)
⚠️⚠️ C A U T I O N ⚠️⚠️ S L I P P E R Y When W E T💦💦 S Q U I R T I N G B R U N E. T T E - 22
(Medicine Hat)
|*|*|Let Your Dřeams Come To Reality *~~*With me Pretty Petite Girl With Awesome Specials Visiting* - 21
(Madison, Madison Westside)
201%667*2789 Brown Suga R U READY to enter my world GeecheeLand - 30
(Macon, warner robins galleria mall watson blvd)
= ( SEXY ) (BOOTY) ======== EbOnY ======== ( BEAUT Y ) ==♥===120 /Hr! - - 24 - 24
G r * * 3 K ! ! G r * * 3 K _ ! ! G r * * 3 K _ ! ! G r * * 3 K ! ! G R * * 3 K ! ! - 28
╚» ♥ KiLLER CuRVES (( 5 ☆ SeRvICe! )) HaNdS DoWN -- The VeRy BeSt! ♥ BLoNdE - 22
(sherman oaks70. SPECIALS)
WHY WAIT? ===== ► SUPER , EXTRA , ExOtIc MiX w/ HiPs : )$$$$$$$ - 25
°o♥° GORGEOUS °o♥° SQUIRTN' °o♥° PLAYMATE °o♥° - 25
(★*¨¨* CenterCity(UpScale))
(((Visiting))✈LAX Area 😍Beautiful Mixed Bunny😘Elite Companion😇💞Must 👀👀💋💏100 Specials - 25
(Westside, ✈LAX((Upscale Incall)) ((🚫No outcalls)))
-♛T° °O° °P° _ °O° °F° _°T° H °E° __ °L °I° °N° °E ♛ - 19
(Tulsa, Tulsa & Surroundings)
《50》SuPeR ThICK ApPLe BoTToM AZzZ !! OMG .. SeXy BuBBle BoOtY ... AvAiLabLe NoW!! - 33
(San Fernando Valley, van nuys (private clean incall 24/7))
G- E - N - E - V - I - E - V - E ----- A V A I L A B L E ------ t o d a y !!! - 26
█ Gr8 Reviews! █ █ ██ NEW! Have you met Carmen??? - WOW!!! █ █ ██ King 0f link!!!! - 25
(Philadelphia, •••••• King of Prussia area •••••• **)
Thu 02 Jan
Nikki 407-280-0912 High Reviews on t;e;r; Incall Upscale very Private Home - 36
No need to explain just no im wats your lookn for im sumthing brand new :-) :-) - 22
(Orlando, Orlando orange blossom trl n oakridge)
- : ¦ : - XXX RATED - : ¦ : - KNOCKOUT - : ¦ : - TWINS - : ¦ : - SPECIALS!! - 21
✴You tried the rest....Now come play with the BEST ultimate🍬 PLEASURE 💋 - 26
(Orlando, Orlando Airport area)
A V A I L A B L E ←★→N O W ←♥→ Your Exotic Blonde ←♡→C A L L ★ M E !!! - 21
(Orlando, ♥♥♡My Incalls Are Available Now/i4Easy♡♥)
@@@@@@@@ VISITING Anaheim Areas incalls Specials With A Sexxy Very Small Petite Asian Vixxen @@@@@v - 19
(Anahiem/ Disneyland)
@@@@ V-I-S-I-T-I-N-G ^S-E-X-Y ^ S-M-A-L-L ^ P-E-T-I-T-E ^ A-S-I-A-N ^ (Cambodian) ^^ V-I-X-E-N @@@@@ - 19
(anahiem disneyland area)
@@ V-I-S-I-T-I-N-G - -S-E-X-Y --- S-M-A-L-L--- P-E-T-I-T-E -- A-S-I-A-N (Cambodian) V-I-X-E-N @@@ - 19
(Anahiem/ Disneyland)
*** ULTiMaTe ErOtic SEeSaTiOnS SeDUcTiVe PLaYMaTE AwAiTs ***WHiTe bLONdE cOLleGE hoTTiE - 21
(55 and macauthur)
(Orange County, c*o*s*t*a {:} m*e*s*a)
► STOP! BrAND NeW CuRvYFreaK ♥ 1oO %ReaL! HoT $peciaLsNoW! ◄ - 21
💧💫P£tiit£ Miix£d ----> F R £ A K 💦❤ Sn£ak away & Come P L A Y 🌟💫 - 19
(Orange County, Incall Harbor Blvd)
@@@ LEAVING SOON ANAHIEM Areas incalls 160hrSpecials With A Sexy Small Petite Asian Vixxen @@@@@@@@ - 19
(Orange County, Anahiem/ Disneyland)
@@@@ LEAVING SOON , Anaheim Areas incalls Specials With A Sexy Very Small Petite Asian Vixxen @@@@@7 - 19
(Anahiem/ Disneyland)
@@@@@@@JUST VISITING, Anaheim Areas 160hrSpecial With A SexXy Small Petite Asian Vixxen @@@@@@@@@@@ - 19
(Orange County, Anahiem/ Disneyland 160hr. specials)
It is time for you to treat yourself to me I am well-reviewed I accept all credit cards - 48
(Orange County, Beachfront Home San Clemente)
»» EVENiNg SPECiALS «« iM READy for yOU NOW !!! ¤ 1OO% REAL, iNDEPENDENT, and SEXy * - 23
(buena park, anahiem, incalls baby !!)
_ 💋 DEEP - KiSSeS - ____ 🍥 O⃣N⃣E⃣ 🍥 T⃣A⃣S⃣T⃣E⃣ 🍥 A⃣N⃣D⃣ 🍥Y⃣O⃣U⃣'L⃣L⃣ 🍥 B⃣E⃣ 🍥 I⃣N⃣ 🍥 L⃣O⃣V⃣E⃣🍥 ___Your Baby doll - - 20
(Irvine, Irvine 405 and jamboree, Orange County)
* { B l o n d e } * ._. H0T ~&~ ATTENTiVE ._. * { 1Oo$ S p e c i a l } *
(Buena Park , Garden Grove , Anaheim)
*70 *Who's ready to hook up now. * 38dd * 70* - 40
(Orange County, Garden Grove Blvd and Brookhurst St.)
$$pecials!! The Ebony Goddess You Been Wanting!!! 38 DD's!! $pecials!!7 - 30
(Oklahoma City, I 40 and Meridian)
$100 Special-:¦:-* B _R_ E_A_T_H _ T _A_ K_I_N _G -:¦: - B_r_A_z_I_L_i _A_ n _ M_i_X -:¦: -*
(Downtown Area/ My Place or Yours)
4"11 100 lbs*KACIE*Tiny Girl Next Door* destin Incall & outcall * independent - 31
(Destin fort walton beach crestview 30a, Okaloosa)
Little Kacie*okaloosa island Destin INCALL Outcall * 4'11 100lbs *° Girl Nxt Door ° fun ∆ REAl PICS - 31
(Destin fort walton beach Niceville, Okaloosa)
*°*°Let's warm up together°and fill each other with joy° ME AND YOU Will make Merry Memories, *°*°* - 27
(Midland / Odessa, Odessa)